We are delighted to be able to welcome visitors to our Distillery and very much look forward to hosting you for a tour or visit to our visitor center.
The safety of our guests and our team members are our number one priority, and as such, we are continuing to follow CDC, OSHA and Louisiana Health Department Guidelines. We are eager to see the face of every guest, but at this time the CDC and OSHA have advised us to return to mandatory face coverings for each guest when inside our Distillery, regardless of vaccination status. Social distancing is still requested at all times. When social distancing cannot be maintained, face coverings are required in outdoor areas as well.
Following the City of New Orleans mandate, effective February 1, 2022 visitors to the Sazerac House (5 years of age and older) must provide evidence of one of the following:
- Vaccination
- Evidence of full vaccination against COVID-19 with a vaccine that has received full approval or emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration or the WHO.
- Full vaccination: Two doses of a two-dose vaccine series (e.g. Pfizer, Moderna) or one dose of a one-dose vaccine series (J&J)
- Negative Test Results
- Official lab report or results screenshot of a negative PCR/molecular or antigen COVID test taken no more than 72 hours prior to entering
- Proof of vaccine includes:
- LA Wallet APP SMART Health Card
- An original, digital photograph or photocopy of CDC Vaccination card (both sides)
- An official vaccine record issued by another state, a foreign nation, or the WHO
As an additional effort to keep our team members and guests safe, we will continue to require temperature screenings for every individual at the Distillery. This step is fast and touchless.
Thank you for understanding our commitment to safety and we look forward to welcoming you to Sazerac House.
To ensure the health and safety of its workforce, this COVID-19 Visitor Screening Policy and Procedure (“Policy”) establishes uniform guidelines for Sazerac Company, Inc. (“Sazerac,” “Company,” or “we”) and its affiliates to conduct verbal screening and temperature checks on Visitors during the COVID-19 global pandemic. This Policy applies to all Visitors to Sazerac Visitor Centers (Buffalo Trace Distillery, Barton 1792 Distillery, Sazerac House New Orleans, Sazerac House DC, A. Smith Bowman Distillery).
The primary symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Other reported symptoms may include shortness of breath, aches and pains, sore throat, nausea, runny nose, and loss of smell or taste. Based on current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and local public health information and guidance, public places may screen visitors for the limited purpose of evaluating the risk that visitor’s presence poses to others in the workplace as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic. This policy is subject to change as guidance from the CDC and local public health information is revised.
Visitor Screening Upon Entry. For the duration of the pandemic, Visitors must pass through a COVID-19 screening area before entering Sazerac’s facilities. Visitors must wait six (6) feet apart from one another while in line. Sazerac will mark off the permissible distance. If a Visitor refuses to answer or refuses to submit to a temperature check, the individual will not be permitted to enter the Visitor Center.
Symptom-Related Questions. Visitors will answer basic symptom-related questions similar to the following:
- Have you been notified of a contact exposure to COVID-19?
- Do you have a fever?
- Do you have a sore throat?
- Do you have a dry cough?
- Do you have shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
If a Visitor answers YES to any of the above questions, OR the Visitor displays symptoms of COVID-19, then:
- The Visitor will be considered potentially at risk for COVID-19 exposure;
- The Company will document the affirmative responses to any of the foregoing questions;
- The Visitor will be sent away from the Visitor Center.
If the Visitor answers NO to any of the above questions, the Visitor will proceed to temperature screening.
Temperature Screening. Prior to entering a Sazerac Visitor Center, Visitors must be temperature screened. The Temperature Screening shall be administered in the least invasive way possible.
If a Visitor has a body temperature at or above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, then:
- The Visitor will be considered potentially at risk for COVID-19 exposure;
- The Company will document the temperature results;
- The Visitor will be sent away.
Visitors are only permitted to enter the Sazerac Visitor Center if the Screening Upon Entry process determines that the individual (1) is not symptomatic, and (2) does not have a fever at or above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Recording and Confidentiality. The Screening Upon Entry results will be recorded on a Screening Form and will contain the following information:
- Name;
- Contact Information;
- Date and time of screening;
- Results of verbal questionnaire; and
Sazerac management will treat such documentation as an confidential information and secure it accordingly. The data will only be accessible to key personnel who have a need to access such data.